Getting started

First make sure that you are inside the flow directory and check if you have flow installed on your system:

flow --version

The command above should print -e.g., 0.1.0.

.env file

In order to use flow you will need to provide a wallet to execute the transactions and for that we use a Seed Phrase which is stored in an environment variable. In order to set that up create a `.env` file at the root of the flow directory and add the following:




Once you have that you will need to add your collection details to the collection.json file at the route of the directory. The information that needs to be added will look like the following:

  "name": "",
  "description": "",
  "supply": 0,
  "treasury": "",
  "image_url": "",
  "placeholder_image_url": ""

Here is a description of the fields:

name is the name of your NFT collection which will be displayed on the Water Cooler and on each one of your NFTs.

description is the description that will be displayed on the Water Cooler and on each one of your NFTs.

supply is the number of NFTs that will be in your collection.

treasury is the address at which you will received your funds when your NFTs are minted.

image_url is the image that will be displayed on your Water Cooler.

placeholder_image_url is the image that will be displayed on your OG and WhiteList tickets.


Once this is set you will need to add the metadata.json file to the assets directory. This file contains the data for each NFT in your collection it is represented as the flowing:

  "metadata": [
      "number": 1,
      "image_url": "",
      "attributes": {

The file is a json object containing an array of NFT metadata objects.

number is the number of the NFT in the collection.

image_url is the url to the image that will be displayed on the NFT.

attributes are the attributes associated with that NFT things like background, clothes, etc.

og.json and wl.json

if you would like to distribute OG and WL tickets to your community you will need to add their addresses to the og.json and wl.json file for them to be distributed via command later on. The files should be structured in the following way and be placed in the assets folder.

  "ticketList": [
      "address": "0xABC",
      "amount": 1
      "address": "0x123",
      "amount": 2

It is a list of objects containing the address of the receiver along with the number of tickers they should receive.

once all of this is in place you can go to the Walkthrough section to get a step by step guide to deploying your own collection.

Last updated