
Once you are done setting everything up in Getting started section you are ready to deploy your NFT collection using Water Cooler.

All of the following commands should be executed from within the route folder of flow directory.


First you buy a Water cooler using the flow buy command:

flow buy

You will be presented with the price of the Water Cooler and asked to confirm your purchase. Once you confirm one will be created and sent to your wallet.

Once that is complete you will initiate it.

flow init

The initiation process creates the total supply of NFTs that will be present in your collection and uploads the metadata at the same time.

once that is complete we stock the NFTs into the Water Cooler ware house for them to be distributed at mint using the following command:

flow stock

And that is it our collection is ready to be distributed we simply need to adjust our setting and we can use the Distributor to allow your community to mint your NFTs.


You can set the mint price by using the following command:

flow set --amount <amount>

The mint price must be set in MIST.

You can change the phase of the mint from OG, Whitelist or public using the following:

flow set --phase <phase>

The phase are set as following:

1 = OG mint, 2 = Whitelist mint, 3 = Public mint


As of right now the Distributor interface only supports Public mint.

You can also make the mint active or inactive by changing it's state:

flow set --status <status>

0 = inactive and 1 = active.


You can also distribute OG and Whitelist tickets to your community members by using the dist command:

flow dist --og

for OG tickets and

flow dist --wl

for WL tickets.

Now we can move on to setting up our Distributor on the new section.

Last updated